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1999-2024  Celebrating 25 Years of Tau Sigma!

Process of Establishing a Chapter

If you are interested in establishing a chapter of Tau Sigma at your college or university, IT’S VERY SIMPLE!

First, the institution must grant a bachelor’s degree and be accredited by a regional accrediting association.  Branch campuses that award bachelor’s degrees may be covered by the blanket accreditation awarded to the parent institution.  Exceptions to this requirement may be considered by the Executive Director.

Second, someone representing the college or university (this person could be the prospective faculty or administrative advisor to the chapter) should fill out a Preliminary Charter Information Form providing information regarding the institution and send it to the Tau Sigma Executive Director.  Upon receipt of this information, the Executive Director will review promptly for a preliminary charter.  The petitioning institution will be immediately notified of the action taken.  This should not take longer than a week (perhaps the same day) from receipt of the information by the Executive Director.

After a preliminary charter has been granted, a member of the university staff or faculty should obtain from the registrar the names and email addresses (directory information that does not violate FERPA) of students who meet Tau Sigma membership requirements (see the “Membership” link on this web site) during the previous term(s).  These names and email addresses should be forwarded to Lori Carter, our Director of Chapter Relations.  She will then send an email of congratulations to these students, inviting them to be charter members of the local chapter of Tau Sigma, and directing them to a web-based membership portal that is very user-friendly.  Lifetime dues (to be paid only once upon becoming a new member) for a member typically range from $50 to $65, depending upon the local dues amount.  National dues are set at $40 with the remaining portion going to support the local chapter. 

Once membership has been completed, we will send you the membership information, the induction materials (certificates and pins), a charter, members’ merchandise, and a check for the local dues.  We also can send all the members’ certificates, pins, and merchandise directly to their personal addresses if you would like (the mailing addresses would be entered by the students in the membership portal).  At that point, you will simply schedule a meeting for the members, elect officers, and the chapter will be off and running!

When the date for the induction is set, the members elect officers, reserve space for the ceremony, plan the banquet or reception (if desired), and invite guests.  An email announcing the induction is sent to all members.  Invitations also may be sent to parents and other interested parties (e.g., faculty, university officials).  At the ceremony, the charter is presented, members are inducted, and an appropriate address given by a person chosen by the local group.  Students attending the ceremony will be presented with their membership certificate and pin. 

The group pays local costs such as printing a program, costs of a reception or banquet, and framing of the charter. 

tau sigma logo

Preliminary Charter Information Form


Prospective Administrative/Faculty Advisor of Tau Sigma

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Charter Approval by the Vice President of Student Affairs or the Dean of Students

MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.